Legacy Fund
At Nativity, we're a blessed and committed congregation. Rich in resources and strong in faith, we desire to serve God to the best of our abilities.
The Nativity Legacy Fund provides an opportunity to do just that. It's a meaningful way we can give back in gratitude for all that God has bestowed upon us.
This fund was established to both support three strategic investments: the facility fund; school investment and faith formation and enrichment; and to provide parishioners the opportunity to make contributions to the parish that meet individual intentions. The additional financial assistance will further our ability to address the needs of our diverse community and allow us to become a model for other parishes in Western New York.
Should you choose to make a tax-deductible contribution, you can designate your gift for one of the fund's specific undertakings, make an undesignated donation or make a restricted gift that fulfills your individual intentions.
Your generosity will leave a lasting imprint of your faith on Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church. We appreciate you considering this opportunity to ensure its vibrant future.