About Faith Formation
The Faith Formation ministries focus on providing opportunities for individuals to grow in their relationship with God on a path to becoming Disciples of Jesus! Below are descriptions of Nativity’s preparation programs for adults and for youth planning to receive initial sacraments. Also provided are enrichment programs to further all parishioners’ appreciation and understanding of their faith.
We strive to offer Adult Education programs which explore Catholic Teaching, sacramental life, and various issues which affect our lives as Christians. We invite in speakers who are active in various ministries and who offer a level of expertise that enhances our understanding of the issues and provides us with the means and methods of advocacy to hopefully make a difference in our world. Please contact our Pastor, Fr. Ron at (716) 632-8838 ext. 402 or Debbie Daigler at (716) 634-3130 ext. 333 with questions and suggestions.
For information on our Bible Study and many other opportunities and offerings, please visit our Service and Social Ministries page.
Pre-Baptism classes are offered for parents expecting their first child. Information is given on the rite of Baptism, the history and theology of the sacrament, and parental responsibilities. If you have questions or wish to register for a class, please contact Deacon Tom Freidman at (716) 632-8838 ext. 412 or deacontom@nativityharrishill.org.
See Faith Formation.
Nativity’s Faith Formation Department offers a faith-based curriculum for teaching the Catholic faith to children in Grades 1-10 and Grade 11. The program includes sacrament preparation for First Reconciliation, First Eucharist, and Confirmation. Qualified adults are welcome to volunteer as Catechists, assistant instructors, and event helpers. Please call (716) 634-3130 if you are interested in volunteering!
Follow Nativity BVM Faith Formation on Facebook.
See Faith Formation.
Couples planning to be married at Nativity must attend a Pre-Cana program. Couples may choose from a parish-based “Couple to Couple” program or the diocesan-run Journey into Love program at the St. Columban Retreat Center. Both programs are run by married couples and offer insights into the Church teachings on the sacrament, along with all aspects of married life. For the Couple to Couple program contact Bruce and Kathy Zgoda at (716) 759-6007. For diocesan programs go to www.buffalodiocese.org. All engaged couples begin their marriage preparation with a scheduled meeting with one of our Parish priests. To schedule such a meeting, call the Rectory at (716) 632-8838.
Participants in Mission embark on a week-long Lenten retreat. A series of nightly events are designed to deepen and enrich their faith and strengthen their sense of belonging to their Parish community.
Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary School dedicates itself to education in the Catholic tradition, which places emphasis upon moral and spiritual formation and seeks excellence in academics, personal development, the building of the spirit of the community, and service to others. For more information, call the school at (716) 633-7441.
See Marriage Preparation.
The RCIA process (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) prepares adults to become members of the Catholic Church. The process provides instruction on Catholic doctrine, liturgical practices and sacramental life. Adults receive the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation as needed at the Easter Vigil. Contact Debbie Daigler at (716) 634-3130 ext. 333.