

Registration for Confirmation Preparation - Fall 2024 is now open!

Your child is ready for Confirmation Preparation if he or she:
(a) has received the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist;
(b) has completed two years of formal high school level religious education (through Faith Formation or a Catholic High School curriculum), and;
(c) is willing to explore what it means to be a participating, Confirmed Catholic!

To register your son or daughter for Confirmation Preparation, watch your email or return here to our parish website on July 1.

If you know a young person who would like to be Confirmed but doesn't yet meet the guidelines listed above, please contact us! 
For info. about Confirmation Preparation and to register, click the image below:


Questions about Confirmation can be directed to:
Debbie Daigler,
Confirmation Coordinator
(716) 634-3130 ext. 333 or


1. For Adult Catholics (18+) who were Baptized and received First Communion, but not yet Confirmed: We welcome you to begin the process toward the Sacrament of Confirmation. Preparation style will be based on your personal journey of faith and life situation.

2. For (a) Adult Catholics who were Baptized but have not yet received any other Sacraments; or (b) for individuals (over age 7) who have never been baptized; or (c) for individuals who have been baptized in other faith traditions and seek communion with the Catholic Church: We welcome you to The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), a process of learning, discernment, and building a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. The first stage is Inquiry - to seek and ask questions with no strings attached. Candidates who continue through the multi-stage process typically receive their Sacraments at the Easter Vigil Mass.

If interested, please contact Debbie Daigler for a personalized conversation about what path is best for you.
634-3130 or